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Safety Anytime, Safety Anywhere

About Us

Our Story

Safemen (PVT) Ltd, is a private firm primarily focused on supplying Work Wear (PPE), Safety Equipment, and Hardware Products to the following sectors:

  • Mining
  • Manufacturing
  • Health Institutions
  • Construction
  • Agriculture

The Safemen team is committed to exceptional performance, uncompromising integrity, honesty and ethical business practices. These principles allow us to encourage value creation and support growth as opposed to maximising returns to the detriment of our underlying product portfolios. Safemen Private Limited specialises in a vital but often the overlooked sector of the market, being small and medium enterprises. SMEs are a critical growth driver in Sub-Saharan Africa and our reliable products truly have the power to transform big businesses and SMEs to achieve their objective in safe and accident-free environments thereby uplifting communities they operate in.

What We Believe


To be the leading Pan-African investment holding group focused on identifying, acquiring and building a portfolio of sustainable growth assets in Sub Sahara Africa.

Our Values
  • Teamwork
  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism
Quality Assurance

We manufacture some of the PPE in the country and we also import from ISO certified distributors for your personal safety.Our medical PPE is registered with the regulator to ensure total safety for the front line medical personnel and certification is also available on request.

Contact Us

Contact Details

  • Address

    78 Galloway Road



  • Tel: +263 712 264993

    +263 772 428198

  • +263 712 264 993


Get in touch